How to buy online?
Shopping steps:
Find the product you want to buy. To select a product to buy, select the ‘Add to Cart’ option.
Continue to select your product or select the ‘View Cart’ option to complete your purchase.
The Cart contains all selected products, their individual price and quantity, as well as the total amount of your purchase.
Selecting ‘Product Shipping Costs’ opens additional fields to fill. After entering the information, select the ‘Update’ option to increase the total amount of your purchase by the shipping cost.
Select the ‘Continue Payment’ option to complete your order.
Enter all the required customer information in the ‘Billing Details’ section. If you would like to have the shipment delivered to another address, select this option and fill in the required information fields.
It is necessary to tick the ‘I have read and accept the terms of this store’ box after reading the terms before you can complete your purchase by selecting ‘Order’.